Would you like to partner with YMD in 2024 as we provide training and support to youth workers around Ireland?

A couple of trust funds have joined forces again on an initiative called the ‘Joy Of Generosity’ or JOG to support ministries like YMD.


They have generously offered 50% match-funding for all new and increased donations this year.

That means 50% added to all new partner donations and 50% to all increases in donations.

Where a gift is eligible for the Charitable Donations Scheme in the Republic of Ireland or Gift Aid in the UK, the group will add 50% to the total amount. Download the info leaflet here.

KEEPING it free for churches

YMD provides its services free of charge to local churches so that money is never an issue. This allows churches of any size to access our services without financial barriers.

While some churches may be in a position to make a voluntary donation to YMD we recognise that many others are not.

In order to continue to provide our services free of charge, YMD relies on donations and contributions from individuals and groups.

Your donation will be greatly appreciated

If you or your church or organisation are able to contribute at this time we would be most grateful. Monthly direct debits are ideal, though annual or one-off donations are also hugely valuable.

Please consider whether your donation is eligible as a *tax-efficient donation.

Bank Details

Account Name: Youth Ministry Development

IBAN: IE47BOFI90001759628548



*Tax-Efficient Donations

Tax-efficient donations may be made to YMD via iMap.

Tax-efficient giving applies to donations greater than €250 in a calendar year by those paying tax within the Republic of Ireland.

Tax-efficient giving means that your donation is topped up by Revenue, increasing the total amount received by YMD, with no additional cost to the donor.

YMD has partnered with iMap, which processes tax-efficient donations on behalf of YMD.

For YMD to benefit from tax-efficient giving on your donation, please donate via the iMap website, clearly stating your details and that you are giving in support of Youth Ministry Development.


DONATION examples

If you’re the sort of person who likes practical examples or ideas here are a few:

  • Mentoring 1 youth leader a week €25 per month.

  • Hosting a small YMD HUB €50 per month (3-6 people).

  • Hosting a larger YMD HUB €100 per month (7+ people).

  • Travel to 1x YMD hub weekly €100 per month.

  • Pop €1 a day into a virtual jar €30 per month.